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Quick Memo on Aurora from Laura- 9 July 2012 | 2012 Indy Info



Just a few words on what is happening for me regarding Aurora. First of all, I am very glad about the amount of people who have showed an interest, and commented on the Comments Page for all of us to read how their own dreamtime flight has happened. Please leave your comments if you don’t mind for all of us to read.


I have spent night’s last dreamtime flight (7 July) on Aurora, underwater and have caught up with Star Family and friends, they gave me various advice in my private life, was wonderful and today I feel as a different person indeed. I am afraid I have to keep the conversation content to myself, as it is all very personal to my own life.


We have also spent some time discussing various underwater facilities as far as I recall. Which is something I have already done during the previous Aurora dreamtime, when I was briefed on some serious issues going on at the bottom of our oceans. The other thing that I did last night was spending some extremely enjoyable time swimming with a school of dolphins, in the “Big Bleu”. We had an amazing experience, and one of the dolphins, who are sentient beings, realized what part of the dream I would recall in the morning. He just knew the parts I would be able to remember in the morning and told me so. Was an extra- ordinary time.


I have received a number of emails from people over the past 2 weeks asking and some demanding advice or help from our Galactic Family on the Aurora, or guidance regarding how to communicate with them. I think in total, couting the people who email back and forth a few times, I must have received over 1,000 emails in relation to Aurora alone. So please if I don’t get back to you for a few days, do not be disheartened, just join the Dreamflight, open to all to join and set your intention to meet us on the Aurora, and ask to be contacted by Adrial, or Bashir, or Aurora herself, or the other beings recommended on the guidelines link.


For those not familiar with my work,  I am only providing channelled messages of love and spirituality. I do not have time to do personal guidance, readings, or any other type of email exchange or conversations I am afraid. All I can provide is one email confirmation whether you are part of the Aurora crew or not. If you are only interested in the Dreamflight on Aurora, every body is invited and welcome for that. Please do not email just to ask if you can join the Dreamtime flights, which take place every Saturday night, along with the Tulya, Athabantian and ships.


For the 160 Aurora crew members: the flights take place every Saturday night, no need to email me asking every week about it. You have been confirmed, and I hope the ascended crew of the Aurora have made contact with you themselves directly. Apart from sharing our dream experiences, my role for you stops pretty much here, unless you have difficulties, in which case you are welcome to send me a couple of questions, which I can ask Adrial in one go. Please try to make your questions direct, precise, complete and bare in mind that it is not really possible because of time constraints for me to email you back and forth a few times during the week. Allow a few days or weeks for me to reply to your email. I would love to have all the time in the world and meet and chat all day with all of you, however… I am afraid it is not possible for me to do right now, hopefully next year! lol In the meantime, before sending me an email, please make sure your questions are not already answered in the Recommended links ( under the header picture).


For those of you who are new at communicating with the Higher dimensions, I do recommend that you ask for only beings of the God level of consciousness to communicate with you, also ask for protection to your guides, Archangel Michael, God or any other beings of the God level of consciousness. I also recommend that you order all negative beings not to communicating with you, or interfering in your communications.


Personally since October 2011, for all my channeled work, I connect first with a method developed by Suzanne Spooner, called the Art of Universal Knowing (TAUK). Suzanne has developed a fairly reliable way to connect with the other side safely, using a chart and a rose crystal pendulum. For all my channeled work, I ask for protection and ask to communicate with beings of the God level of Consciousness, order negative beings to leave my sphere, connect first with my tailored TAUK formulae and I ask if the being I am linked to is of the God level of consciousness, if the answer is yes, I proceed and ask the being to spell out his or her name on the TAUK chart.


Having said that, I have had an inner sense since I was young. I also had the ability to “do” things with my mind, such as making flowers grow, turning balls inside out, making grass grow, seeing things at an atomic level, seeing being who were not in our dimension, I recall several past lives, I also recall my pre-birth life briefing, seeing people’s chakras, seeing their blood circulation, etc… on top of that I have also been doing international spiritual work and cleansing for over 15 years on a weekly and monthly basis. So I guess what I am trying to say is that finding it difficult to hear or see beings from other dimension is normal and not so usual.


Concerning my extremely tight time schedule, I am doing university research during the summer, and I also must prepare for exams in August. On top of this I also travel 4 hours or more for work several times a week. I am also involved in 2 other projects both requiring travelling or time spent on skype.So please do respect my professional, study, and private/ family life and only email me if you feel stuck or for confirmation of Aurora crew membership.


Next week I will be away from Friday to Monday evening, so I will be unable to comment Saturday and Sunday or give an update on Aurora, however the trip will take place as usual on Saturday 14th July, which is Bastille Day for me, a big national day in France. I will relay my experiences of the dreamflight on the Monday.


I will also be away from the 26th July to 2d August, again the Aurora trip will take place as usual. I have asked Leslee to post important updates on the dreamflights while I am unable to post. Other posters will also blog on 2012 Indy Info, and I may also ask my partner to blog under my own id, that person however will not be me!


I will be unable to reply emails or have internet access while I am away for both occasions, very likely the comments section will be closed for those 2 periods of time. I apologize for the inconvenience. There will obviously not be the same level of coverage while I am away of news.


In the blogroll you will find other blogs recommended for news, such as Jean Hayes’ Blog and also people who do readings, such as Mirrarose or Suzanne Spooner. I recommend you check these blogs out for news and channelling material/ private readings.

Hugs and thank you, Laura

Quick Memo on Aurora from Laura- 9 July 2012 | 2012 Indy Info.

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