Heavenletters: Thank You, God, for Hearing Me. Channeled through Gloria Wendroff, Heavenletters.org, October 22, 2014 – http://tinyurl.com/lplg55t
God said:
My children, I hear your words:
You say:
“Beloved God, thank You for coming into my life and helping me to know that my life is good, that You exist, and that You are My Sustainer. Without awareness of You, how bleak is life in the world. You enliven my heart and renew me.
“I do not like to think what my life would be like had I not caught sight of You and taken You by the hand. Did I take You by the hand? It must be that You took me by the hand.
“You teach me how to live. I know You are always by my side. May I also know that I am always by Your side. May I adhere to Your wishes. May what You teach so nicely stay with me, and I be Your Chosen One, that is, that I continue to choose myself to be Yours and follow Your Will which You say is the same as mine. May I know this to be so. May I experience this knowing and rise to the top.
“Just let me know I am always with You. May I rise to the occasion of You. I don’t need to be at the top of anything or think that way. Just let me be with You and serve You. Let me rise to serve You in new ways. I’ve got to get out of my old mode.
“May I enter into joy as one who follows where You lead. May I cease all resistance. May I go along with You for the ride. May I give You the joy that You tell me I am. May I circumvent all my nonsense.
“Give me Your peace. Give Me Your vision and wisdom, for they are the same. I long to serve You. I long to be You and be Your blessing. I long to remove all strife from my heart and my life.
“Dear God, teach me to let go of my resistance to joy. Teach me to let go of my resistance to anyone, including those who seemingly plague me and wish me ill. Teach me to see as You see. Teach me to see beyond what I see.
“It feels to me that my heart is always embroiled in something. My heart is in skirmish with the world. Teach me how to end all wars in my heart so that the fire of wars in others’ hearts and in the world will also come to an end.
“Make of me what You will. Place Your love in my heart and remove all my resistances to love and peace. I seem to be enamored with flare-up’s. That I am tense, does that mean I feed on dissatisfaction? Teach me to be free of dissatisfaction with anyone or anything. Teach me to be You. Teach me to see You everywhere in everyone.
“Teach me to let go of fault-finding. Teach me to let of superiority and inferiority. Teach me to be me as You want me to be. Teach me to let go of the heaviness I continue to carry. Teach me to be burdenless. Teach me to shine Your light in darkness and in light. Teach me to light a candle next to yours. Teach me to be in service to You. Teach me to bless everyone in every way.
“I confess, God, that I am tired of my ways. Now I want Your Way. I want Greatness. I am tired of pettiness that seems to know no end. I am tired of foes in my life and my resentment to them. Teach me how to make my search for love and Your love for me to be enough. I am tired of looking for love and finding animosity in my heart because I do not feel loved or loved enough.
“Teach me how to end resistance to all that which I resist. Teach me to surrender. In surrender to You and Love, I can only gain. In surrender to You, I give up pain and discontent.
“Teach me to give and, so, how to end all this foolish sense of loss that hurts my heart and my sense of Self.
“Teach me, God, so that I may learn Your ways and hold them high so that others may know the heights and depth of You. Teach me how to be joyous in the human world and exult in Heaven. Thank You, God, for hearing me.”