Ignorance can be lost, Brilliance cannot. Ignorance has had Humanity focus on the bad, or let’s say the lie, because they knew if You Ever Focused On The Good=The Real Truth, You would never Look at the bad again, and Your Attention would Be On the Light.
Guess What, For Humanity There is Something Very Big, Very Grand, and Very Uplifting Occurring. See, it just takes a Moment for Humanity to See the Glimmer of Light. Once the Connection Is Made, We Feel It as It goes through US, and then Pings Back to You! Love Everywhere Present Equally.
Humanity has made a Choice to Be a StarSeed Nation. If this Choice had not been made, We would not Be Here. In True Reality, Humanity is not dumb. As a StarSeed Nation, You receive ALL of The Above, Everything Within The ALL, ALL Love IS, and Star Travel.
Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff