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Heavenletters: God Throws a Party


Channeled through Gloria Wendroff, June 25, 2014 – http://heavenletters.org/god-throws-a-party.html | Thanks to Awakening Daily.

God said:

Life on Earth is a party that I host. I invite you. I welcome you. I am glad you accept. This is a party of souls. There is nothing like this party that I throw and that you come to. All is new, and nothing is repeated exactly as before. It is always new. At My party, there is always a fresh new tide of waves.

Although this party originates in Heaven, this same party is reflected on Earth.

I must admit that some of My guests are not easy to please. I serve this, and I serve that, and yet there is something else you want to be served even when you do not know its name. There is a big wanting.

You never leave the party I give, you understand. You could stalk off, and yet you would still be with Me.

Now I have to ask you how you contribute to the party I give? The success of a party isn’t only from the host. It is really the guests who make a party the success it is. At the same time, how can a party I throw not be a success? A whopping success? What can be missing from My party? There is room for everyone, and in My mansion there are many rooms. You may walk through all the rooms. They are for you. I own nothing, yet I give all.

There is no entrance fee to My party. Of course not. All are welcome. All are invited. You do not always notice that there are other guests here. Sometimes you feel like a solitary guest. Well, beloveds, you are One as I am One, and yet you are not a solitary guest. You are, nevertheless, My Guest, and I hold nothing back from you. All is in the open if you could only see.

You dream a lot at My party. You see things from your imagination that are not really at the party, yet, you think they are. A party I give has more than tinsel. It has real gold and real silver, and you are enjoined to partake. There are diamonds and rubies and all the colors of the world. There are emeralds and amethysts and geodes and simple pebbles. There are books to read, and, oh, My Yes, all the food to eat in the world. I offer you tours and adventures. You can have your pick. You have every offering that the mind of man can accept and some you do not dare accept.

And you have love, love piled inside and outside you for the asking. Take your pick. You have luxury choices and camping choices. You can choose your temperature and all your accommodations, and, yet, there are ways you accommodate, My dear guests.

You can have afternoons by the warm fire, and I offer you swimming pools. I even offer you Great Oceans and sand on the beach.

Beloveds, what can be missing from the offerings I give? If you do not see everything you want, then write your special order. Your special order will be delivered to you. Sooner or later, it will be delivered to you. You do not stamp your foot. You do not twiddle your thumbs. Meanwhile, you go out and play. Your choices are vast. There is no time warp except you certainly think so. I believe in instant fulfillment, and so may you believe and accept with an understanding of timelessness.

What music do you like, and what movies do you like to see? Everything is here, and you are here, and I am here, and We can dance, and We can sing. We can each do Our own thing.

Thank you for attending My party.

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