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Archangel Michael: You are God Having an Experience of You


Thanks to Ellen for our transcript.

An Hour with an Angel, for June 26, 2014, with Archangel Michael | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Graham Dewyea:  Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness.

Joining her is Steve Beckow, founder of the Golden Age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth: Toward a World that Works for Everyone.

Our guest today is Archangel Michael. So, with that I’ll pass it over to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow:  Thank you very much, Graham. And today we’ll be continuing a discussion that Archangel Michael and I were having on May 30th. Hour with an Angel is usually a current affairs program, but this particular show is going to be aired while Linda is away, and so we can’t really gear it towards current events. So we’re going to continue our conversation about the Angelic Kingdom. And with that I welcome Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael:  Greetings, I am Michael, archangel of peace, warrior of love…. Historian? No. [laughs] But let me join you in this conversation, and as we begin, my beloved brother, my beloved friends, let us begin this day not only by illuminating the flame, my blue flame of truth, within you.

Let me also step forward and remind each of you of your angelic heritage, of that seed of the angelic that rests within, around, each of you.

For you have many faces. You have many aspects. You have had many realms and experiences of existence. And for most of you ― no, not all, but for most of you ― you have had existence as angelic of one kind or another. And you carry within thee this essence to this day.

Now, why do I bring this forward as we begin yet again this conversation on the principalities, thrones, dominions and so on? Because it is important that you also realize that we do not merely speak about the bureaucracy of heaven, or the Company of Heaven. We speak about you, about who you are, and about this energy, this essence, this spark of light that took this form of angelic being once upon a time. And I would urge each of you to acknowledge, to embrace, and to dig and to bring forth your angelic self.

Now, when we last have spoken, I also emphasized the beauty and the nature of the gift of the guardian angel, the guide, and how it is to your benefit to become intimately aware of it, and in a partnership, a co-creation, a sacred union with your guardian angels. Well,  my beloved friends, I also say to you this night that it is equally important to become aware and in sacred union with your angelic self.  So that is where I wish us to begin this conversation.

No, it is not difficult. Simply go into your heart and ask to see your angelic self and to come to know this part of who you are. It is equally important, if not even more so, than knowing your past lives, your galactic self, your inter-galactic self, various parts of you that are fairy or mineral or ocean. Know yourself.  (1)

Now, having said that, dear Steve, where do you wish to begin this day?

SB:   Well, of course you have anticipated one of the questions on my paper, Lord, So why don’t we continue with that? When you say that we all have an angelic background, what are you saying? Are you saying that we have devolved into humans, that we have come down Jacob’s ladder of consciousness to the human domain, and then we go back up? Is that part of the plan? What are you actually saying when you say most of us were once angels?

AAM:   Now, you are using the term devolved.

SB:   Yes.

AAM:   You cannot pin that on me! [laughs]

SB:   No, no! And I know you’ve said, on another program, that we didn’t devolve. But I’m trying to suss it out for the readers ― pardon me ― the listeners who may be thinking that, say.

AAM:   And the readers as well.

SB:   Yes.

AAM:   So let us explain. The idea of being an angelic…. Now we are not talking… if we can just depart from this particular incarnation, which all of you very consciously accepted and chose to have as a process and a life of ascension in form… so if we can separate this particular life out….

SB:   Okay.

AAM:   When you have emerged as a spark of light, as an essence, sheer energy (2) ― because that is how you have begun ― and the expression of that energy, in concert with the Mother, and in concert with, yes, many of the realms of heaven, the Company of Heaven, some of the expressions you chose, and some of the earliest expressions in terms of what you would think of as form ― and we have spoken of this in previous conversation of the Kadmon form… (3)

SB:   Yes.

AAM:   … that is so popular ― one of the first expressions in form of that spark of light that most chose was angelic. And there are more legions of angels than you can fathom ― yes, throughout the omniverse, as we have also spoken of. But most of you, some of you have gone directly into various forms; some of you have truly preferred to simply be what we refer to as sheer energy. But most of you tried on the angelic form. And I do not say this in a way that you would consider incorrect. Most of you loved that form, absolutely loved that form.

And when you are angelic, there is this ability ― yes, you have a form, energetic and otherwise. And this is what is so confusing to human beings. Yes, and we will get to that density question which is really behind the term devolution, because it is a form of devolution.

SB:   Uh-hunh.

AAM:   It is a becoming more dense. Because when you are in angelic form, you can not only bi-locate, but morph into various forms ― if you wish to experience something or to assist or fulfill your mission. And you, my friend, have seen me in physical reality several times. (4)

And there are many of you who listen this night who have seen the Mother or Gabriel or Yeshua or Baba or Yogananda in a physical form. It does not mean that we are imprisoned, as you have become, in that form. It simply means that for the moment we choose to put on that suit of clothes, as it were.

Now, let us be specific to the experience of Gaia and the density of Gaia and what you have thought of as and what we have termed the “old Third Dimension.” And this was a long process, but it had a very rapid start.

Gaia, when she assumed this form, was a planetary being. The Mother wished for her angels to be able to come to to play here and have a different experience of physicality and expression of love. This was intended to be one of the planets (because there have been several) of physicality ― of play, of joy and of love in form. So there were many angels who were very eager to try it on.

Now, the plan, the mechanics, if you wish, of how this was organized was that you could come and assume form, be it human or other reality. So there are some of you who have had the experience, while you were angelic, of being a mountain range, or part of a mountain range, or part of an ocean, or an animal, or a bird, or a mineral, or human.

Now, in the hierarchy that human beings have developed, that your egos and your illusions have developed over time, you have come to believe that you are superior to many of these situations, these various forms of physicality, so that you assume that you are better than, or more than, an animal or a mineral or an ocean, etc.

Now, it is that very experience of ego, or the belief system that you were such a mighty creator in angelic form, that basically you got you stuck. And you got stuck because you forgot. While in form, the ego began to assume ascendancy. This is what many of you think of as a fall from grace, which is a misnomer, really.

But many of you came to think that you were as powerful a creator and forgot the piece that you were of creation. Because the angelics are of creation. There is no veil or illusion of that separation.

And that is what you are all now going through remembering. That is truly what a very significant part of the renewal and the Ascension process is about. It is remembering and re-embracing the fact that you are nothing more than love, and that you have always been connected to the Mother/Father/One, however you conceive of it, whatever your culture or your background or your religious patterning has been.

And what I suggest to you is in your various lifetimes what you have done is most of you have tried on all these various cultures or patternings.

When you are completely out of form is what you think of as when you die ― which is an entirely different conversation ― you soar with the angels. Sometimes you try on that form again. There are various levels and ways in which you experiment and learn and grow and expand and return home in the in-between time, shall we say.

Now, did you get caught in what you would think of as a downward spiral into having [karma]― and I use that word because of your belief system, not because of truth. And this is a far more serious conversation than you have anticipated, but it is important that people do understand their history.

SB:   Okay.

AAM:   There was a downward spiral into that cycle of incarnation and reincarnation and reincarnation, and what many have thought of or termed as karmic. But let us go back to the in-between time, in-between lifetimes. One of the reasons that you have returned, again and again and again, or intermittently ― you are never forced to return, never; it is always a discussion and a choice ― is that you have heard us, and you have heard the Mother, be so emphatic about not interfering with free will and choice.

Now, on our side, it is not that we do not have free will, but it is that we have evolved to a point where our will is always in alignment with the One, with love. So it is as if we are beyond free choice. But it is not that we have been stripped of free choice.

When you are here, when you are out of your various forms, the reason that you choose to return and very often fall into similar circumstance or similar patterns, is you go back, you say, “I think I want to go back and do it right.” Or, “I want to go back with my beloved and support” … him or her or them. Or, “I want to go back. I did not experience love in form.” This is the most driving force of all humanity.

If you were to think of one causal factor about why you keep returning, it is  because you want to experience that original intent of love in this form, not because of sin or debt, debt that is owed to you, debt that you owe, or to do reparation. It is because you finally want to know that, and from that place of having the experience of the purity, the clarity of love, that you can jump in and out yet again.

And that is what Ascension is about. It is about not being stuck in your body, but having the integration of all parts of your being, and having it anchored in your body in such outrageous, miraculous joy that you want to be in body; that it isn’t a struggle or an obligation, or even a responsibility, it is simply joy.

And that when you choose to depart, whether it is after two minutes or two thousand years, you are free to do so. And that in that body that you can relate and anchor your angelic self in, just as you can anchor your human ― if you want to call it that ― self in your angelic self, you can travel inter-dimensionally, and do as you please, and visit with us, or not.

This is a different perspective than what you have thought of as the human experience. The Mother never banished you and said, “Work your way back. Earn your way back.” That is not of love. It has been the belief system that the collective fell into that, then solidified and hardened in a very cruel way so that enslavement, tethering, was believed to be permanent. And it is not.

SB:   Can I interject at this point, Lord…

AAM:   Yes.

SB:   … for a moment?

AAM:   Yes. Yes. Of course.

SB:   One of the interesting things I find about what you’re saying is that the description of human beings having come from the Creator down into density and then working their way back to the Creator, so to speak, comes from not some of the dark forces that were here millennia ago, but in fact comes from enlightened beings.

Much of our knowledge of angels comes from Pseudo-Dionysius, for instance. And Al Ghazali and Ibn ‘Arabi have described this descent into matter. And they’ve also given us the view that this whole plan was set up so that God could have the experience of himself/herself/itself, whatever word you want to use.

So when I’m listening to you I’m not listening with the ear of having heard it from, say, the churches or some other authority like that, but actually from enlightened beings. And it sounds like you’re saying that their view is not correct.

AAM:   It is correct, but it is incomplete.

SB:   Okay.

AAM:   And no, we are not referring to any of the religious mythologies that have grown up, because they have also been [incomplete]. Of course it is one of your dichotomies, your polarity, your dualities that [religion] has the best and the worst. The religion, various religions will include both the spirituality and the acknowledgment.

So yes, the descension into form you are thinking of is a separation, and then to work your way back home. That is correct. But it is also correct that you migrate through various forms if you choose.

SB:   Hmm. You’re overturning a lot of our spirituality, [laughs] a lot of our favorite views of things.

AAM:   No. I am complementing them.

SB:   Okay.

AAM:   You have limited the understanding of what you can be in form.

SB:   Um-hmm.

AAM:   So, for example, we have suggested to you in other conversations that there are many angels on Earth, in conscious form, at this moment. There are some archangels. There are some thrones. There are various beings, masters, who are assuming human form.

Now, do you really think that they are working their way back home? No. They have chosen this form to be of assistance during this phase of the Mother’s plan. But they have chosen ― and you have mentioned some of them just now – to be in form as guides at every phase of history, even when the human history looked most dismal and most dense. There have always been these beings who have kept the light alive.

SB:   Right.

AAM:   Now, those, for example, who are archangels, whether they are in or out of form ― well, our form ― do you not think that that is still an expression of Source, experiencing that?

Yes, there is uniqueness and definition, but it is still the connection.  And it is the same for humans. And it is just that they have forgotten that and that is the reawakening. It is the acknowledgment of that spark, of that source of who they are ― yes, working their way back home, but also, at the same time, God having an experience of you.

SB:   Right. I know an archangel incarnated, for instance, who has had 2,000-plus lives here on Earth.  Now, is that all just to prepare the Earth for this Ascension? Is that all work aimed at this Ascension – so many lifetimes?

AAM:   Yes.

SB:   Wow! That’s a tremendous sacrifice, is it not?

AAM:   Yes, it is. Do not forget that there have been critical points. You tend to think of times, and we understand this, in terms of months or years or even decades, or lifetimes, but there have been points, for example your dear friend who has come in, we know, about 2000 times, because there have been juncture points at which if the pendulum went a different way, that the delay, or the detour, would have been even more significant.

So has there been service and sacrifice? Of course there has been. And one of the difficulties which is now being lifted ― and that is why I have begun this day by encouraging you to remember that angelic part of yourself, or archangelic part of yourself ― is that when you have been in human form, or when you are right now in human form, what often happens is that you forget who you really are and what you are capable of.  It is the awakened human that realizes.

And again, do not think in terms of hierarchy. It is the awakened human that acknowledges that they are inter-galactic or galactic; that they are part angelic or archangelic; that they are sheer energy and a spark of life; that they have been the most grievous sinner and the most beatific saint. It is that integration into the aware human being, and from that place of being able to create Nova Earth, because what we can only refer to as the old human, the human had very dim memory and was not the human that decided to take this leap of faith into Ascension.

SB:   Hmm. Wow.

AAM:   So you, in your consciousness, right now, are realizing that Source, that Mother/Father God/One, however you are thinking about it, is having the experience of you in all those forms integrated into your body and more specifically your expanded field, because that is truly who you are. And at the same time you are having an experience of God ― no, not full reunion, but you are experiencing the love and the connection, the joy, the sweetness, the elevation. So you are returning to the original design.

SB:   Boy, I’m going to drift off into space, following what you’re saying here. I’d better bring myself down to Earth.

We only talk or we only know about angels in regard to their service to us. I mean, whenever the conversation about angels comes up, it’s usually about some aspect of their serving humanity or the other kingdoms. But surely angels have a life of their own. And what does the round of life look like for an angel?

AAM:   It is infinite. So, for example, and I will speak to you [about it] ― yes, I am archangelic [not angelic], but it is very similar. Do we have a life? Is this not a very human question? [laughs]

SB:   I suppose it is. [laughs]

AAM:   And yes, yes, it is, and that is all right, my friend! But I am teasing you. But yes, we have a life. In fact, as we have spoken of in our last conversation of this realm, as you know, we can have many simultaneous lives all at once.

SB:   Many simultaneous lives! [laughing]

AAM:   But let us say ― and we do not mean to fuel the fire, but ― we have, in the angelic kingdom, a very rich life completely outside or above or separate from merely serving humanity, or in this case other planetary sectors. Because there are things ― activities, experiences ― that the angelic realm has that do not always, or necessarily, involve humans.

Now, do they sometimes share those experiences with humans? Yes. Do humans sometimes key in to what the angelics are up to? Yes. A good example is when a human will all of a sudden hear the angelic chorus.

Well, is the chorus dependent upon the human’s hearing it? Is it done for the benefit of the human race? No. It is done for the sheer joy of the sound of praise, of adoration, of coming together in a unified grid of heart and being. It is to send and to communicate in a different way to the Mother/Father One, and it is what you can think of as fun. It is great fun.

Do they paint the sky, like I do? (5) Sometimes. Do they … your expression would be “hang out”? That is the favorite thing. You tend to think of your life as work or play or family time or social time or downtime. And we always are encouraging you to balance these various realms to aspects of your life and to make sure that there is time just for you.

In the angelic realm, there is no separation of these, because everything is joy; everything is love. There is no experience of what you would term fear or despair or any of the lower vibrations. It ― I know this is difficult for you to understand, but ― it does not exist.

Now, when we see a human being in despair or danger or in a very dark place, do we acknowledge it. Do we spot it? Particularly the guardian angels, but all of us, actually, even the principalities, but in a different way. Do we see it and do we act upon it? Do we infuse grace or love, or even, at times, intervention? Yes. But is it our existence? Does it influence how we experience our beingness? No.

Now, so often we have heard the cry and the critique that the Company of Heaven is not acting, or that we are not acting in a rapid enough manner, or that we do not know or feel your distraught or despair or disappointment or concern, struggle. That is not true. But do we take it on? No. We cannot do that. Can we send you the energy to remedy the situation? Yes. And we do. And particularly at this time of very significant, magnificent change, you are being given energy as you have not been given since the very beginning.

But part of that is also because you collectively are saying, yes, I will accept this intervention, I am begging for this intervention, I want this intervention. So you are also in our partnership giving us the green light, and at the same time you are stepping forward more as your integrated self to participate with us. So it is not simply us doing unto you, ministering.

This is a favorite word of the human race, that we will minister to you. (6)

SB:   Right.

AAM:   No. We will participate. We will minister to you if you are lying on the ground, close to spiritual death or exhaustion. Of course we will. But more and more, we are participating with you, because you are acknowledging all the pieces and integrating the pieces of who you are.  (7)

So when the Mother addresses you, and calls you angels in form, what is she doing? She is reminding you of what originally took place ― not for all of you, because many of you have wandered off to Arcturus or CCC, but for many of you.

SB:   Uh-hunh. Can I ask you, you have talked about the seraphim, the cherubim, the angels, archangels, but we haven’t really mentioned the dominions, thrones ― you just mentioned the principalities ― virtues, and the powers. Could you just discuss those very briefly for us so that we can at least have those topics introduced? And maybe we can follow up on another show with a more in-depth coverage.

AAM:   I would be very happy to do this.

SB:   Thank you.

AAM:   Now, if I was to speak of dominions, you can think of my sister Gabrielle, for she is madly in love with the dominions, for they are administrators!


And they are what you can think of, if you were to think in human terms of our angelic realm ― yes, I guess it is not all play – the dominions are what you can think of as organizers.

They help, they assist, they tend to. Think of them in many ways as angelic managers. They carry out the Divine Plan in many ways. They attend to the detail of the unfoldment of the plan. They are very involved in balance and maintaining, again, in a very universal sense, not in a particularly individual sense (they do not particularly involve themselves with individual humans; it is not their nature), but they balance cause and effect throughout the multiverse.

So they are adjustors. They are administrators. They are dealing with and making sure that the balance and the divine wisdom within the Plan is the central point of the unfoldment of the detail of the Plan.

So, for example, yes, Gabrielle does have a great deal of interface with the dominions, as does someone like Sanat Kumara, because there is the very big picture in terms of the Plan, and then of course there is the specific unfoldment.

But all of that is very harmoniously coordinated. And this is what the dominions specialize in ― can we say that?  And let us go back to our conversation. It is what they have chosen, in terms of their service and reflection to the Mother, of what they want to do.

SB:   Um-hmm.

AAM:   Whereas the principalities are what you can think of as closer to the human realm. And they are very involved with collectives. And you can think of the principalities as part of the angelic realm that is dealing with collective issues, the collective issues even of the human race. And they tend to work, yes, as guardians.

So there is a more hands-on, if you can think of it that way, connection to the human realm. But again it is not as direct as the archangelic realm or the angelic realm. There is a tendency to work more with nations or large groups, say, of religions or belief systems, or cultures.

One of the areas that they do work with increasingly ― and they certainly have their work cut out for them ― is with what you would think of as mega- or multinational organizations.

They are purifying. And this is something that perhaps you have not been aware of. But this is one of the areas in which the Company of Heaven is quite busy, because they are purifying many of the, what you would think of as the, structures, which is nothing but collections of individuals, but the structures of nations, of religions, of organizations, of multinationals, of sectors.

They assist in infusing divine will and wisdom into very large groups. They do not tend, except in exceptional circumstances, to concern themselves with particular leaders, although there are exceptions to that rule when the person or the group that is in the leadership position is in one of those pivotal turning points that can affect the whole direction of humanity.

So, for example, in this situation the principalities have been very involved with the leadership of several, what you can think of as, major nations and the leadership in what you could think of as global financial institutions. They do not tend to make themselves known. But they are balancers in a different way, but still helping the Divine Plan to be anchored more into physicality.

Does that make sense to you?

SB:   Yes, it does. I’m not quite sure how, but I imagine the leaders would not be aware of their influence.

AAM:   What they would be aware of and they would say is that they are divinely inspired or that they are divinely guided, or that they have a higher power and they do not know exactly just what that higher power is. They tend to attribute this directly to Source.

And we never take that as an affront. We are always rather pleased when our work is attributed to Source. But yes, they are not consciously aware. For example, there have been occasions throughout all of history when I have appeared, when Gabrielle has appeared, when Jophiel has appeared, and so on.

The principalities, much like the thrones, do not tend to make physical appearances. Neither do the dominions. If you were in a higher dimension, you would recognize that energy. So as you are moving up this ladder that we keep talking about, you will come to be able to differentiate.

Now, does it really matter? No. But we want you to know more about who we are, what we are doing, and how we are working with you. We are not always off singing and dancing and praising.

SB:   Or creating the Aurora Borealis.

AAM:   That is one of my favorite pastimes. And I cannot wait, my dear friends, to return to my music. And you will be there with me, and I will play for you.

Now, the thrones, you have asked about.

SB:   Please.

AAM:   This is a very different group. Again, by assignment and choice, by the Mother, the thrones have been represented in many different ways. Many of you often see or have had experience not only of seeing the eye of God but of seeing the eyes, plural, many eyes, of the thrones. There is a reference to all seeing, and that is often what the thrones are doing. They have their, what you would think of as, eyes and what we would call awareness on everything.

Now, you, think of it yourself. You have your various [eyes], your third, your fourth, even your fifth eye, which is coming into place and play these days. So you know what we are speaking of when we are speaking of the eyes? So it is not merely what you think of as physical eyes.

The thrones have a tendency… their purview: they tend to work with planets, with planetary systems, either with a galaxy or with an individual planet. So, for example, right now, there are many ― oh, my goodness! ― there are legions of thrones assisting Gaia in this planetary transition. Because, as you know, it is not merely the humans and the kingdoms, but Gaia herself.

Now, this legion is not just assisting Gaia, because you know, and we have spoken in other situations, of the domino effect, the ripple effect, throughout your galaxy and really throughout the universe and far beyond. So they are also assisting in the preparation work, if you can put it that way, for many of the other planetary systems that will go through this process following your completion.

Now, I use the word completion, but I do not wish to give the impression that  in fact once you have ascended, once you have flown completely and anchored completely through this portal, that your process, your continuity, has stopped. Because it has not. And it will not. You continue on.

But for the purposes of this conversation, and in a way to demonstrate what the thrones are doing, is they are assisting Gaia, deeply, and the sister planets, as you get ready. Now, they also in many ways complement the principalities. We do not think of this as a hierarchy, merely spheres ― of expertise or choice. But they work with the dominions, particularly on correcting injustice.

SB:   I’m going to have to interrupt you here, Archangel Michael. Apparently we have run out of time. So we still have the virtues and powers to discuss, and a lot more, I’m sure. Why don’t we continue this conversation?

AAM:   Yes, we will.

SB:   Very good.

AAM:   I would love that. Go with my love.

SB:   Thank you very much.

AAM:   Farewell.

SB:   Farewell.



(1) The purpose of life is that we know ourselves so that we can know that we are God and so that God can meet God in that moment of our awareness.

(2) The Self, soul, Atman, or Christ in all of us.

(3) The Adam/Eve Kadmon form is the human template. But not “human” as just us terrestrials, but “human” as in all the galactics who sport the Kadmon form and, even and especially, those who reached the Kadmon form by alternate lines of evolution such as an insect, bird, or reptile.

(4) Archangel Michael once stood outside my apartment door as a twenty-some-odd man. He stood looking at my door, which was an anomalous thing to do. How many people stand outside your apartment door just looking at the door? When I turned perhaps ten yards later to see what he was up to, he had disappeared.

I also saw AAM on the spaceship I awoke to find myself on one night. He appeared again in the same twenty-some-odd form with the same pony tail of hair. This time I knew him by his voice. The minute he spoke I knew it was him.

(5) Archangel Michael has confessed to being the source and architect of the Aurora Borealis.

(6) Angels are often referred to as ministering angels.  For instance:

“Christianity recognizes the existence of the higher classes of Intelligences under the general name of Angels, and teaches that they are ‘ministering spirits, sent forth to minister’; but what is their ministry, what the nature of their work, what their relationship to human beings? All that was part of the instruction given in the Lesser Mysteries, as the actual communication with them was enjoyed in the Greater; but in modern days these truths have sunk into the background, except the little that is taught in the Greek and Roman communions. For the Protestant, ‘the ministry of angels’ is little more than a phrase.” (Annie Besant, Esoteric Christianity. Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1953; c1901, 191-2.)

(7) So more and more the angels are not ministering to us as they might in times past because we are becoming partners rather than “patients,” so to speak. They are allowing us to test our wings, again so to speak.


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